Available in three versions NV1500, NV2500 and NV3500 HD HD, it will be offered with a 4.0 V8 or a 5.6 V8. The load can not exceed 3.06 m long, 1.78 m wide and 1.40 m high. Finally for large volumes of applicants, the High Roof options include the height to 1.94 meters or 54 cm further. The useful volume displayed varies between 6.23 and 8.5 cubic meters and practical detail, the rear doors open to 243 degrees.
Like the new Renault Master 2010 in Europe, the Nissan NV wants modern, offering comfort more acceptable by its users, many cupboards, surfaces and materials easily cleanable and less rustic presentation. The launch is planned for late 2010 and prices have not yet been disclosed.

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