Video: The difference between winter tires and summer tires

In certain countries are not accustomed to the use of winter tires, you must admit. In my time working in a workshop, more than once had tried to convince business that winter tires mounted on their cars, given that by 60,000 or 70,000 kilometers a year, can justify the amount of such covered the months between November and March. Another option, if you have space in the garage or storage room, is having two sets of tires, and switching according to the month of the year you play.

Okay, are a little noisy, and if "you give them wax" with dry heat on a highway in anything you eat them. But snow, ice and rain grab more. More than a "snow textile fabrics, and if the snow is dry, not frozen, can be much more efficient than chains.

Do not you think? Watch the video that BMW has developed with its X3 after the jump to convince.


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