Toyota Fine-T Fuel Cell 2006, last dated concept hydrogen powered
Having introduced the first hybrid car series in 1997, Toyota will he pioneered a model hydrogen? The Japanese automaker announced in effect that producing such a model by 2015, the time to properly develop the technology, "said Yoshihiko Masuda, manager of advanced vehicle at the conference of the National Hydrogen Association, held in Long Beach California.
But most is the cost that the main concern, because it is currently prohibitive, past all the same 1000000-1 hundred thousand dollars, and not only reduces the technology or concept cars experimental vehicles including the Honda FCX Clarity and Chevy Equinox, rental vehicles, respectively, 19 and 100 copies for a fee scale test to Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It is difficult to estimate the cost of a hydrogen car, Toyota considers that in 2015, such a model would be priced at 50,000 dollars, 39,320 euros. Thing permitted with the reduction of 90% already cost effective technology to address the mid-2000s.
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